
Maybe a tiny bit of good can come from a very bad situation.

As I write this, the world is still dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.  Each country is taking their own measures to address this virus.  I live in Canada where I think our governments have handled it all in a relatively thoughtful, organized, and evidence-based manner.  That doesn't mean we are out of the woods yet.  We are still waiting for the second wave of this pandemic and our numbers have already started climbing again.

It's funny - the internet is full of people claiming their rights have been violated because of physical distancing and the expectation to wear masks in public.  When faced with a deadly virus (a virus that has killed and debilitated so many, a virus that we can have and spread without even knowing it) so many people just ignore the science and the news reports and still flock to the malls, restaurants, beaches, and family gatherings.

But when someone gets head lice, watch out!  Many of these same people will spare no effort or expense to rid their home and their little ones of this quite harmless parasite.  I've seen people fumigate their furniture, shave the heads of everyone in the household, spend countless sleepless nights vacuuming from floor to ceiling, and washing anything and everything that can fit in a washing machine in hot water and bleach. They keep their children home from school, cancel play dates and swimming lessons and spend time trying to figure out who they got it from (contact tracing!). These excessive efforts around head lice are astounding and often unfortunate because (a) unlike COVID-19, head lice are not a public health threat, (b) those costs and efforts are not necessary or even effective and (c) I've seen many a well-meaning parent get completely burned out from giving up money, sleep, and sanity in doing what they thought was the right thing in the head lice battle. 

I think that if most people were freaked out about COVID-19 in the same way that they are about head lice, we would have had this thing beaten already.   Unfortunately, COVID-19 is still going strong and no matter how tired we are of these (cue the over-used phrase) unprecedented times and our wishing won't make it go away.  For some of us, its inconvenient and annoying.  For others, its uncertain and stressful.  For others, it's tragic and heartbreaking.

It is hard to find the good in all of this bad.  Still, as one of the privileged ones who can work from home, I have found moments of blessing.  I like having more time with my children.  I like the words of encouragement sent to me by friends and family and the acts of service and courage that we've seen throughout the world.  Somehow, in the midst of the darkness, some light breaks through.

Regarding head lice, it is my hope that physical distancing will have an positive effect on this problem as well. Head lice are shared through head-to-head contact and if people keep their distance and manage the lice in their homes through effective measures like regular combing, the head lice won't have anywhere to travel to. Head lice are not shared through bedding or pillows, toys or clothing.  Head lice are not like a microscopic virus that can live for long on surfaces or linger in the air.  We can see them.  We know how to treat them.  They are a pain in the behind but they are manageable.

I don't like the phrase 'social distancing' because we are social creatures who need connection for our health, but I can get on board with physical distancing.  It has been a proven tool in the fight against the coronavirus.  And maybe, just for this limited time and if people are smart about it, it will reduce the spread of head lice too.


Anonymous said...

I was just reminded of your blog because I was reflecting on Covid hygiene theater (the nearly-useless surface disinfecting, plastic screens, etc--vs the actual effective measures of masks and ventilation). So much of what people recommend for lice is hygiene theater! Glad you taught me that. We've only had them once, but you saved my sanity with your wet-combing education.

Griovikai said...

Griovimo darbai visoje Lietuvoje

Mūsų tikslas išlieka mūsų prioritetu: būti saugiausiu, ekologiškiausiu ir konkurencingiausiu rangovu savo srityje.

Mūsų paslaugos apima įvairius griovimo projektus, nuo vieno aukšto komercinių pastatų pašalinimo ir aukštų pastatų griovimo iki didelių pramoninių konstrukcijų griovimo. Mūsų patyrusios ir aukštos kvalifikacijos komandos nuolat vykdo sėkmingus projektus visuose tradicinės sunkiosios pramonės sektoriuose ir privatiems klientams

Griovikai.lt komanda - viena tiksliausių ir konkurencingiausių griovimo įmonių Lietuvoje.
griovimo darbai siauliuose

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just wanted to say I appreciate this blog for the live treatment but also your point of view on everything. I hope you’re doing well, I see you haven’t posted in years