
Oooh, I like this one...

Here is a Sept 2014 article from the CBC (that's the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - if you are not from where I live).  I think it is a good article, but that's because of my personal bias towards wet combing with conditioner and a metal lice comb and my bias against using so-called "treatments". Check it out: http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/head-lice-most-used-treatments-no-longer-very-effective-scientists-say-1.2776917


  1. Do you have any tips on combing through your own hair?

  2. Not really. Well, nothing really different than is already on this blog. It has been my experience that anyone combing their own hair is so much harsher and thorough in their combing than they would be, say, for their children. With a good metal lice comb with long teeth and the appropriate amount of effort, I trust self-combing. I do my own lice combing regularly. I hop in the bath or shower, condition my hair generously, leave in the conditioner and use a brush to detangle. (Coarse or curly hair will sometimes need a lot more conditioner, or will need it reapplied throughout the combing.) Sometimes I will then comb it once with a regular plastic comb just to make sure the tangles are out. Once I know all the tangles are out, I get the lice comb and just comb my whole head from root to tip. I comb from the scalp down, and from under the hair - from the base of my scalp out. I just keep on combing until I have gone a number of strokes with no signs of head lice. If I've been itchy lately or found out that someone I have been hanging out with has head lice, I make sure I have combed 100 strokes with no signs of nits or bugs. If I have no reason to think I might have head lice, I want to make sure I still comb my whole head (at least 50 times total) with no signs of nits or bugs. And I do this all on a regular basis. How often? If I've been around others who have head lice, I comb after I've seen them and once a week minimum for a while after that (if I found no lice). If I haven't had any lice contact (and I haven't been doing home visits lately) I do it a couple of times a month. But, if I were to find evidence of head lice in my hair, I would follow my own advice and do a thorough wet combing every 2-4 days until I had had at least 2 weeks with no new sightings. If I find something in the comb that I think could be a louse or a nit, I just wipe it out of the comb with some tissue.

    As I said earlier, people are often harsher in doing self-combings than they are when combing others. Remember that over-combing can irritate your scalp. Don't be too rough - don't gouge out pieces of your scalp with your lice comb! Be thorough but not vicious. Good luck!

  3. So now that I found lice in my kids and myself how do I go back to living a normal life? I will try the wet comb throughs...but now do I make my kids wear ponytails and braids at home and school? Do I have to put my Bed sheets in the dryer everyday? Jackets,scarves, beanies? Do you do phone q&a I've been sleeping with a shower cap on and making my kids sleep with one too. And have them sleeping on my leather sofas because Im afraid of them spreading on their beds.
