
If you have information about new products, e-mail me.

I receive information on a regular basis that is sent to me by individuals in the lice industry - information on new products that someone wants to promote. However, I do not sell any products besides my services and I will not promote anything that I haven't tried myself. If you post a comment that links to your product, I will remove that comment from this blog.

With that said, I am always open to new information. If you have a product you want to tell me about or new research or techniques to share, please e-mail me at thenicelicelady@live.com. If I try something that I like, I will be more than happy to share helpful information.


  1. Thank you Nice Lice Lady. And my cat Bonnie thanks you too. What do you think or the electric combs like the one sold at Walgreens?

  2. I've gone to many homes where they had the electric comb and still had head lice. The electric combs are great at providing instant sensory feedback that makes you feel like you are actually doing something, though I'm not sure if you are actually doing anything. (I've never checked to see if the lice were dead or were just stunned and who knows about the effect on the eggs.) These combs buzz with everything they hit - dandruff, broken hair shafts - which can make you feel like you have a worse case of head lice than you actually have. And, like I said, I've still found active head lice in homes that had the electric comb. I know another way to kill head lice - simply remove them from the head. If you have the electric comb or don't, I still recommend regular wet combing to remove all lice and eggs off the head.

  3. When I had lice we put tea tree oil in shampoo! Its a safe and effective while also being natural.

  4. Unfortunately, I've been to many, many homes where tea tree oil was used with no success. Here are my thoughts on tea tree oil: http://thenicelicelady.blogspot.ca/2013/06/thoughts-on-tea-tree-oil.html
